I have an exceptional talent. I wasn't born with it; I learned it over the years. In this day and age, I think kids of all ages have this unique ability. If you have a smartphone, there's a chance you have this talent as well. Do you want to know what it is? I doubt you will be wowed or surprised.
(Insert drum roll) I have exceptional hearing for my...phone. Yup! I can hear my phone buzz or vibrate from just about anywhere.
I could be doing the dishes, with the loud water running, and I would hear the chimes that only my phone can make. Even with the tv on in the background, I can hear my phone ding and alert me of some kind. It could tell me I have a new email message, a text message, even if something was moving by my front door. Buzz. Beep. Ding. Sometimes, I can't hear my husband speaking from the other room, but I can distinguish the noise coming from my phone from the other room.
Honestly, It's not even a skill. It's a weakness called distraction. I have given my phone prime real estate in my mind and my time to distract me from real life. Over the years, I have given my phone permission to steal my attention.
This embarrassing revelation occurred to me while I was cleaning the kitchen. The phone was about 15 feet away, and the ring tone wasn't very high, but I still heard it. It's like my antenna was on high alert for a long-awaited message, which sadly I wasn't, but I certainly acted like I was.
The Holy Spirit then reminded me how nice it would be if my antenna for Him was on the same frequency as it is for my phone alerts. If my frequency for His buzz, beep, or ding were just as strong as it was for my phone, I would never miss the Lord's whisper.
I desire to increase the volume of when God speaks and lower the volume when my phone speaks. What about you?