My daughter's friend's birthday was a couple of weeks ago, and at the time, she was on the hunt for the perfect gift. To be efficient with our time and to figure out which stores to go to, I asked my daughter what she had planned to gift her. She pulled out her phone and read off the notes she had written about this friend. She had jotted down what her friend's favorites and preferences were. For example, we shopped for another friend's birthday several months ago. It was an easy shopping trip because she referred back to her list. So this friend likes Dunkin Donuts coffee, the cookies and cream flavor, and her favorite color is lilac. For this person, she also had their preferred name brands, what they order at certain restaurants, and the music bands they listen to. It's these little details that make her gifts so special and personalized, and it's a testament to her thoughtfulness and care for her friends.
It's a simple act that leaves a big impression. My daughter's friends are always delighted by her kindness and are often taken aback by the little details she remembers about them.
I feel like that with our Father God. He knows exactly what I like and what my favorites are. He knows my preferences and what catches my attention and surprises me with it. For example, I was stressed at work one day and wanted something sweet to nibble on. I didn't pack anything that could satiate the craving. About twenty minutes after dreaming about eating a moist piece of red velvet cake, one arrived at the office. Out of the blue, a pharmacy representative dropped off mini bundt cakes for our office, and the red velvet flavor was right in the center. It was my kiss from heaven. I never told anyone that's what I was craving, but there it was.
God knows I dislike driving into DC, especially because of the traffic and street parking. But almost every time, just when I need it, a spot opens up for me. It's like a small miracle, and I always find myself thanking Him for the 'parking lot angels.'
Those are just two of many instances of God revealing to me that He knows me. I'm so thankful he notices every detail and reveals this through the big and small surprises.