I have tried drafting this post several times for a few weeks now. But due to the content, I have been stumbling over my words and eventually had to stop. So instead of delaying a post for today, I'm just going to encourage you to do something I did this past weekend-go and have FUN.
I had one of the most restful weekends in a very LONG time. I didn't do anything productive and didn't feel guilty about it. I purposely focused on having fun and being in the moment. I punched back my growing to-do list, kicked the guilt of ignoring the to-do list, and just spent time laughing out loud. Yup, laughing. We tried the popular tortilla challenge (if you don't know what that is, you have to google it.) and played silly board games that required us to focus on our creativity so that we didn't have time to stress about anything else. We added round after round so that we could all be winners at the end. I laughed so much I had to lather extra eye cream over my wrinkles that night. My daughter and I both commented how good it felt not thinking about anything else and just enjoying ourselves. Our family had so much fun that we're trying to find more opportunities on the calendar so we can do it again.
Laughter is the best medicine, and it is good for the soul. I won't bore you with the scientific evidence of how laughter benefits your health, emotional well-being, and social interactions; however, I will encourage you just to do it. Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! TeeHee! TeeHee! Try it, you will not regret it!