It will be 11 days until Christmas by the time you read this. Are you ready? I'm not. Time is flashing by, and I can't catch up. Maybe because it kind of snuck up on me, but it doesn't feel like one of the most important days of the year (the other one being Easter). I tried getting in the mood by listening to the traditional hymns, watching the silliest holiday movies, and even glancing through festive cookie recipes. Regrettably, the insignificant influences the significant.
My anticipation for Christmas turned into anxiety as I lost sight of the reason for the season. Why am I attempting to do the things to find joy? Shouldn't it be having the joy of the Lord first, so you do the things? I obviously had it backwards.
Jesus - our Rescuer, came into the sinful world to bring freedom. The hope that our Savior offers as He came into the world as a sinless baby, born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago, is just as relevant to us today as it was for the people of Isaiah's time who were looking forward to the Savior's coming. Jesus, true God, and true man was born into this world to redeem all of His people (past, present, and future).
When we return our gaze to the one true King who entered the world with humble beginnings helps us anticipate what is yet to come. It reminds us that there is hope in the midst of darkness.
Let us celebrate, even with all of the tension and sufferings that go along with living through this particular point in history, because we can trust in the incredible truth that God fulfilled His promise to send Jesus.
The Son of God came to earth in the flesh, lived a perfect life, was crucified on the cross, and was raised from the dead to save us. This gives us hope for an eternal future with Him AND hope for our lives now.
Take pleasure in the treasure of Christmas!
Merry Christmas, It All Starts in the Home, Family!
**Find the time and read the Gospel of Luke. We don't require more presents under the tree but more of His uninterrupted presence. My family and I have read a chapter a day, and as many times as we read it, there are always more gifts of revelation to discover.