We had a wake-up call a few weeks ago. My husband suffered a car accident that could have been a lot worse than it was. He was going to Virginia to play in a church golf tournament. It would've been his first time on the greens this spring, and he was looking forward to it. He gave himself plenty of time to drive and to warm up at the range. There was a drizzle, so drivers were moving cautiously, but when the traffic slowed, the driver behind my husband, an SUV, rear-ended him, forcing my husband to push into another SUV in front of him. The person who hit him said she didn't see the brake lights and kept driving. In that split second, when my husband checked his rearview mirror, he saw the driver coming directly into him and embraced for impact. BAM! His phone, insulated coffee cup, and other items that were secure in their designated spots flew out onto the passenger seat floor. He said he was shocked. He couldn't believe what just happened. Looking back, we talk about how God's angels were protecting him.
God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. ~Psalm 91:11 (TPT)
We had to say goodbye to his trusted vehicle a couple of days after the accident because insurance deemed it totaled. Even though my husband walked away from the accident, he still went to the ER as well as stayed overnight for observation. Thankfully, he was discharged after one night, but he still has many doctor visits ahead. If you looked at my husband from the outside, you would never have known that he suffered in an accident. He looked like he did the day before when he left to play golf. However, if you spoke to his doctors and Physical Therapist, you would learn that the accident did a number on him, from his head, back, shoulders, wrist, and hands. He still has a couple of new doctors to visit and tests to take to ensure he is back to his tip-top shape.
I will never forget the feeling I had when the ambulance drove my husband off from the emergency room (stand-alone facility) to the main on-campus hospital. I watched my husband going one way while I went the other. I stopped driving and watched my husband leave until I couldn't see him anymore. Since I was alone in my car and didn't have to bottle up everything, I started crying out to God. With tears streaming down my face, I thanked God for protecting my husband, but I also prayed a desperate plea. Deep down, I knew he would be okay, but I was still concerned and emotional. He is the cornerstone of our family and the love of my life, so for him not to be 100% was unnerving.
As I was driving home, I said to myself that if I could help it, I would never go back to the hospital again. I know this situation was different, but there was something that cliqued inside of me sitting in the hospital room watching my husband being poked and tested every hour. I vowed to do better in taking care of our health. We need to make a more concerted effort to take care of ourselves. Our physical health can be deceiving because we may look okay on the outside like my husband did, but what's going on the inside is actually more important.
The nurses checked my husband's vitals hourly. It was imperative all organs were functioning the way they were supposed to. The doctors would not discharge him unless they were in the safe zone. He had to take medication and meet with specialists who could do further assessments.
Since my husband has been home, he has slowed down to rest and recover; sometimes, we have to force him to take a break. Thankfully, my older kids are home for the summer, and they can drive their dad to weekly doctor visits and assist in bringing him to perfect health.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
We have a directive to take care of our temples. Let's take care of our bodies and do what we can while we can. Make it a priority to visit your doctor(s) and do the required tests, even if it's uncomfortable. It can save your life. We have made some tweaks here and there to ensure healthy living for our family, from what we eat to how we exercise to how we rest. Our bodies deserve the best, so serve it the best. It's what's on the inside that matters.